St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Foundation
The St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Foundation was founded in 1990. With the Sisters’ of St. Martha’s legacy in mind, the Foundation works with individuals, corporations and foundations to receive financial support, raise awareness to the community and ensure our Hospital has the supports needed.
The Foundation is composed of a group of dedicated volunteers who make up the Board of Directors and two paid staff members. The Foundation team has a passion for supporting quality and innovative healthcare at St. Martha’s Regional Hospital.
In order to secure our healthcare future, a long-term vision is vital, providing a financial resource for Hospital priorities both today and for the future. As a result, the Foundation has committed to building an endowment of $20 million dollars by 2026. The endowment will allow the Foundation to purchase necessary equipment, respond to unexpected situations and to attract top physicians to the area.
The Foundation is committed to providing future generations with the highest health care possible and to responsible investment. The St. Martha’s and you … the time is NOW Endowment Fund Campaign will allow for the creation of a sustainable financial resource and, most importantly, ensuring continued access to exemplary care for our community both today and for the future.
The Endowment Fund is currently at $17 million dollars, just over 80% of its goal.
For more information on the Foundation or to make a donation, please click here.
St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Auxiliary
St Martha's Regional Hospital Auxiliary exists to give financial and other assistance for the sole benefit of St. Martha's Regional Hospital, to extend interest in the SMRH Auxiliary throughout the town, county and surrounding areas and provide volunteer services in the hospital.
Auxiliary members all ready for the 2018 Jingle Bell Frolic
Photo Credit: SMRH Auxiliary Facebook Page
SMRH Auxiliary has 49 active members with over 100 volunteers who work diligently towards a common goal by staffing the various shops & events run by the Auxiliary. These include The Breakaway Cafe, located in the entrance of the hospital, providing an inviting place for patients, visitors and the general public to find nourishment as well as a friendly location to await a drive or just sit and rest. Adjacent to cafe is The Gift Corner a wonderful place to purchase many interesting and affordable gift items.
Major fund raisers for the Auxiliary are The Jingle Bell Frolic in November which has seafood chowder as it's main attraction as well as many seasonal and affordable items for sale and Mayfest a large and varied attraction drawing people from many local communities. Displays and stalls at this event include a Teddy Bear Clinic, a cake walk, Science world, Straw Draw, Attic Treasures, a Garden Center and much more.
Our efforts have proven to be very profitable over the years, allowing us to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to St. Martha's for much needed equipment.Although this requires hard work, our members truly enjoy giving back to their communities and look forward to continuing this service for many years to come